BO International



From an insurance clerk with significant debt to an international entrepreneur earning a 5 figure monthly income.

Noor Fazlina had previously worked as an insurance agent and had also worked hard in an MLM company, but her efforts did not match the rewards, and she found herself trapped in debt and financial difficulties. She had considered high-interest loans to pay off her debts. At that time, her car was repossessed by the bank because she couldn’t afford to repay the car loan. She also couldn’t afford to pay rent and didn’t have money to buy formula milk for her children. She faced extreme hardship and even started searching for free milk samples to feed her children.

Then, she learned about Forever Living Products and the B.O. International 9333 System. She found that the company’s products and system were superior to the MLM company she had previously joined. Therefore, she courageously joined the B.O. International 9333 System. In the first month, she saw that the bonuses paid by FLP exceeded her expectations. She was full of enthusiasm and worked hard to develop her own network. She believed that this was the right way to achieve her dreams.

After several months of building her network, she worked tirelessly day and night and made significant progress. If she couldn’t find customers, she would set up a stall on the street. Her monthly income was over RM400 in the first month, over RM4,000 in the second month, and over RM6,000 in the third month. Her monthly income kept increasing, and she successfully paid off her debts gradually.

In the eight years of being part of the B.O. International 9333 System, her life has greatly improved. She managed to own a Mercedes A45, a Toyota Alphard, and a Nissan Navara. In her fifth year with the B.O. International 9333 System, she successfully applied for a bank loan to purchase a double-story terrace house worth RM700,000. Due to her stable monthly income, the bank quickly approved her loan application to buy the house.

She not only succeeded in expanding her own network but also helped many people succeed in FLP. Her life experience proves that success does not happen by chance but requires persistent effort and unwavering belief. As she says, “discard excuses, ignite ambitions. Don’t easily give up; failures may occur, but rising from failures is truly extraordinary.”

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