Mr. Nik Sharifuddin Nik Mohamad & Ms. Nor Nadzifah Ismail
From an educator to a successful entrepreneur who owned everything.
He was an individual with big dreams, involved in various part-time jobs such as selling perfumes, laundry soaps, school supplies, takaful agent, and unit trust agent. However, these ventures did not fulfill his aspirations; perhaps they were not the right fit for him. It wasn’t until the end of December 2012 when he was introduced to a business opportunity called Forever Living. He wondered why he hadn’t tried it earlier, considering his previous attempts in different industries. As the saying goes, “Fortune favors the bold.” Success often requires the courage to face failure, as it is from failure that experience and lessons are born.
He was particularly drawn to the B.O. International 9333 System developed by sifu Dato’ Dr. Desmond Kong and simu Datin Dr. Grace Chan. Even individuals without prior experience could use this system, provided they had the desire and determination. The system greatly aided his business journey, with significant financial impact evident within the first month.
The year 2016 marked a crucial turning point in his life as he transitioned from being an educator to an entrepreneur. It’s true what they say: 9 out of 10 blessings come from business endeavors. While he still maintained his role as an educator, he now did so in a different industry. Previously, he nurtured students, and now he nurtured business partners. By joining the BO International Group, he achieved all the dreams he had envisioned. Almost unconsciously, he has been with this organization for nearly 11 years and remains dedicated for a lifetime. His monthly income has reached a five-figure amount. Within 5 years, through the B.O. International 9333 system, he has generated over RM3 million in income and earned the title of Million Dollar Mentor. He has also had the opportunity to travel to Lake Tahoe in California, Hong Kong, Dubai, Dallas, and more!
Now, he stands as a shining example of an individual who has transformed his life through his dedication and commitment to the BO International Group. His journey from being an educator to a successful entrepreneur is a testament to the power of perseverance and the potential for growth in the business world.